Thursday, November 17, 2016

So much has happened!

Since my first post, a lot of life has happened to all of us. A contentious election season is over, and I have been consumed by the anxiety and drama of it all. I can feel free to say here that I WAS WITH HER. Some of you may choose to leave this page right now because of my vote, and if that's what you have to do, please do. But rest assured, I had my reasons, my convictions, my (especially) personal motivations for voting for HRC and I hold fast to all of that. Still, she didn't win the election, so I am learning how to cope with disappointment, as many of us are, but also learning how to move on in positive energy and to get along with my friends who chose DT. I know they have their reasons too, which do not align with mine, but that's what makes the world go 'round, I guess. We all have to make our own choices based on the values we hold dear, and that's what I did with no apologies.

And no, this is not a political post. The above paragraph is an intro into what's taken up 98% of my mental thought processes and time over the past two weeks. I work in a museum with a gallery exhibition entitled "A More Perfect Union." This exhibition has hosted many, many events up to, including, and beyond the election. We had watch parties here for all the presidential debates. We hosted an "Election Night Extravaganza" with over 300 students and community members present, and after the election we created a pop-up class called "What Now?" for our campus community and others in the area to process the certain changes that are about to take place. So I have been kind of busy, but in a productive way.

Debate Watch Party at the Tang Teaching Museum, Skidmore College
Photo credit:

So there's that... now back to my life!

I wanted to wait until I had my doctor's appointment to talk more about what I have been eating, and how that has to change. I saw my GP yesterday and many of the markers indicate that better-taking-care-of-me is in order, stat. So, I will be counseled by a nutritionist and follow an American Diabetes Association diet. I will get in a half hour of exercise a day to start (still haven't started!). Tomorrow I go for a stress test because there were little blips on my EKG - nothing alarming - I just have to get the clear to exercise and at what level. This is so boring, I am sure, but ever since I had pneumonia in March I have been coughing this annoying, repetitive cough that is beginning to be a concern. Might be GERD so we're looking into that. I know, way TMI, but I want to be honest on this journey and look back to where I was when I get to where I need to be. (Yikes, so many "I" statements! Sorry!).

So food - I've been in a slowly-accepting reality phase, decreasing bread, etc. No fast food. Trying to quit diet soda which I've been sneaking now and then. Probably need a 12-step program. My drinks of choice now are unsweetened iced tea with lemon, or ice water. Love the ice. Gotta have the ice.

And my doctor says, "Jeannie, here's what you should eat: chicken, fish, vegetables, salad." He said it four times. I'm thinking, "What about beef? What about a slice of hearty whole grain bread? What about...." No, looks like it's cold turkey, and I'm not talking Thanksgiving. Maybe the nutritionist will expand my food horizons beyond the CFVS diet my doctor ordered. Hope so.  Speaking of turkey, for Thanksgiving I will of course enjoy turkey but will make a couple of sides that are diabetes-friendly, including a cauliflower stuffing from, with cooked, drained, and chopped cauliflower subbing for the bread - all the rest of the ingredients are the same. I also plan to make a big salad - for some reason we never have salad at Thanksgiving with all the other food - and baked butternut squash or sweet potatoes with cinnamon.

Here's Delish's photo of their Cauliflower Stuffing

Photo credit:

And about the scale - I hadn't weighed myself since February and nothing had changed much other than it was down about 6 lbs. from life in general. I have decided that this journey is not about THOSE numbers. The numbers I will focus on are all the markers of  health: LDL, HDL, blood sugar, blood pressure, and BMI. Mine is WAY too high right now. It'd be fine if I was 6'4" instead of 5' 3.5" (lost a half inch somewhere). But I am not 6'4" - my boyfriend Russ's height, which I love on him. And believe me, he is the picture of extreme health and though he has tried to motivate me over the years to become healthier, I have resisted (resented!) his efforts. I can't do this FOR him, I have to do it for me. I appreciate that he thinks I am beautiful, because who doesn't love hearing that, and that makes me appreciate that he loves me for who I am. Though, he would like me to be a healthier who-I-am. :)  The most significant number on my mind is the number of years I have at this end of my lifeline to be an involved grandmother with my grandchildren, who are so precious to me. I am fortunate to live very, very close to all three and I realize what a blessing that is.

My motivation, my loves
Thank you for reading and hopefully following this journey of mine. Maybe yours too. I will be finding recipes and posting them often to make this effort not only successful but delicious!


1 comment:

  1. I AM WITH YOU! Thank you so much for sharing your journey, as I very much want it to be mine, too, Jeanie! And how I wish I could try the recipe for Cauliflower Dressing, as my sister Sus introduced me to some amazing dishes she made where it was also used as a substitute, and it completely fooled me! However, my sweet bro-in-law wanted to contribute to the dinner I'm making for Thanksgiving, and offered to make the Dressing! Hang in there my friend, and I hope and pray that we will be both be successful as we move onward and upward to achieving our goals for a healthier and longer life! A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and I hope to catch up with you over the holidays! I try to go to as many Skidmore Hoops games as possible, so maybe if your schedule permits, we can meet for one of the games, and maybe go for a walk around campus first! I'm sure you'll be my ultimate tour guide! And if you ever feel like walking on your lunch break, please let me know, as it's so much easier when you have a partner in crime! 😙
